Easy Sugar-Free Fudge Recipe

Nov 26, 2019 11:45:00AM

You won't fudging believe how good this sugar-free fudge is. This sugar-free fudge is the perfect creamy, chocolatey addition to your dessert table. With just five ingredients, it's easy to whip up for any occasion.


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Do you happen to have nutritional values for this recipe…particularly carbs and calories. Thanks.

Barbara Dinaso

To reduce the white layer you can add less butter to the recipe. Try adding 1/4 cup.


I have made fudge before that the butter separates and forms a “greasy layer” on the top. I notice in your picture the pieces are “flipped over” and that same greasy layer appears on the bottom of many of the pieces in the photo. How does one prevent that layer?


Looks awesome and easy. In the picture above the recipe a few pieces of the fudge has a white layer on the bottom……can you tell me what that is? The other pieces doesn’t have the white layer. Thanks for the recipes!!!!


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