Sugar-Free Caramelized Popcorn Recipe

Jul 11, 2018 17:58:00PM



  1. Preheat your oven to 225 Degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Using a popcorn popper, pop the 1/2 cup of kernels into a large bowl. Once popped remove all uncooked kernels.
  3. To make the caramel topping start by heating and melting the butter on the stovetop or in the microwave. Once the butter is hot remove from heat and stir in the Lakanto Classic Sweetener or Lakanto Brown Monkfruit Sweetener and the Lakanto Caramel Syrup. Stir well until the ingredients are well combined and the sweetener granules have dissolved in the hot butter.
  4. Pour the "caramel" liquid mix over the large bowl of popped corn and toss to coat all the popcorn as evenly as possible.
  5. Lay "caramel" coated popcorn on a large baking sheet and sprinkle with salt.
  6. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes, stirring it every 5 minutes so it bakes evenly.
  7. Once baked remove from oven, pour popcorn into a large serving bowl and Enjoy!


For more tasty sugar-free recipes, check out Lakanto Recipes!

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1 comment

This recipe does not work! I wasted so many ingredients. You can’t put liquid on popcorn and expect it to hold its shape. I should have known better.


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