Helado de menta sin azúcar

Dec 05, 2023 13:18:10PM

¡Darse un capricho con un helado manteniendo bajo control el consumo de azúcar ahora es posible!

En esta receta te guiaremos en la creación de un delicioso helado de menta casero que combina los edulcorantes naturales Lakanto Endulzante clásico de monkfruit con alulosa .

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I was about to email asking if I could use my Lakanto Classic Monkfruit Sweetener with Allulose to make strawberry gelato. I decided to check recipes first! Woohoo! I’m glad I did! Based on this yummy ice cream recipe, I know that it will work for my gelato!

After my failed raspberry cordial last year using regular Lakanto Classic Monkfruit Sweetener, I made sure to start buying the Allulose blend. I just picked strawberries with my granddaughter, and I’m looking forward to making gelato! Yay!

Mimi of 2

I love having a little ice cream,but I have diabetes so of course the real thing is out , Trust me, I will make this. I do use monk fruit. It does not give me the taste in my mouth. I really like the brown sugar, the powdered sugar f trust me, I will make this. I do use monk fruit. It does not give me the taste in my mouth. I really like the brown sugar, the powdered sugar I haven’t tried yet ,
Thanks for the ice cream recipe.


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