Pavlova sin azúcar

Dec 02, 2022 14:21:37PM
Impresiona a todos con esta receta de Pavlova espectacular y sin azúcar. ¡ Un postre festivo maravilloso y perfecto para fiestas! Las Pavlovas individuales son irresistibles, con sus copas de merengue ligeras y crujientes, cobertura hecha con crema batida endulzada y bayas frescas.
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I make sugar-full pavlovas regularly, so I was glad to find a monkfruit-based recipe.

I did not care for this recipe at all. The chemical-tasting erythritol overpowered everything. The pavlova I made with this recipe also had the sugar-free gum mouthfeel that was so off-putting. Neither my husband nor I would eat a piece of the test recipe I made.

I threw the whole thing away. I do not recommend at all.


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