Galletas de calabaza sin azúcar

Nov 04, 2019 00:01:00AM

El otoño no estaría completo sin una deliciosa galleta de calabaza. Hemos preparado nuestras galletas favoritas sin azúcar con el nuevo endulzante para repostería Monkfruit de Lakanto.

    Galletas de calabaza sin azúcar

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    3 comentarios

    They taste great, but are a little too sweet for me even without the frosting. I might decrease the lakanto to 1/3 cup next time. Good flavor and soft texture.


    Servings? Nutrition?

    Gaye Lee

    These cookies taste like fall! They are soft and cake-like. They are delicious with or without the cream cheese frosting. Next time, I am going to use a smaller scoop so I can have more than six cookies.


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