Barras de pastel de nueces y mantequilla dorada sin azúcar

Oct 28, 2021 13:16:41PM

¡Estas barras de pastel de nueces y mantequilla marrón son deliciosas y no contienen azúcar! Tienen un delicioso sabor a mantequilla marrón, edulcorante marrón Lakanto y sal marina. La adición de jarabe con sabor a arce Lakanto agrega un sabor delicioso y reemplaza el jarabe de maíz que se usa típicamente en las recetas de pastel de nueces. La corteza de mantequilla es suave y simple y se puede hacer con harina de almendras 100 % para que no contenga gluten (solo agregue una cucharada de su mantequilla de almendras favorita). ¡Mucha textura crujiente y pegajosa en cada bocado de estas barras!


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3 comentarios

How does the nutritional info change when using only almond flour, the 2 cups, and removing the other flour?

Thanks to Maureen for her comment, may try with less butter. Making these now!


I made these and are delicious. I think there is too much butter in the base. I used all almond flour and it just fell apart. I will make again but try 1 stick of butter for the base.


We love pecan pie but making it in bars is much more practical for portion control and serving. We can hardly wait to make this! Most gluten free and sugar free pie crusts are hard to cut and serve in a pie shaped wedge. And also too high in calories for my husband and I at 76 years old so this recipe is a treasure to have. At covered dish events, a square is
Much easier to serve and people can taste several!

Connie Davis

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