Flan fácil bajo en carbohidratos

Apr 04, 2023 17:17:15PM
El flan es un postre de crema de huevo ligero y cremoso que se derrite en la boca al morderlo. Esta versión baja en carbohidratos y sin azúcar del clásico flan será una de las que prepararás una y otra vez.
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1 comentario

I am going to try this recipe. A few questions: if making in ramekins, how long should they bake? When storing in the refrigerator (or freezing), is the flan left in the ramekin or do you remove it first? I wasn’t sure if the flan could be prepared a few days ahead and then invert to the serving dish right before serving or if it needs to be removed from ramekin a few hours after baking. Thanks for the recipe!


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