Barras de limón fáciles sin azúcar

Mar 10, 2020 16:30:00PM

¡Brillantes y frescas con ralladura de limón! Estas barras de limón son fáciles de preparar y solo requieren unos pocos ingredientes.

Preparar postres sin azúcar y aptos para dietas cetogénicas nunca ha sido tan fácil. Edulcorante de monkfruit en polvo Lakanto No solo tiene un sabor delicioso, sino que también luce genial cuando se espolvorea sobre productos horneados.


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10 comentarios

This slice is delicious and so easy to make. I just love the texture and flavour. Thank you for the recipe.


Those wanting to save and print this recipe…I highlighted the recipe, copy, paste in documents then you can print it! A few steps but since we can’t print here…….hope this helps!

Donna D

I agree with Janet and would like to request that you make it easier for us to print and save the recipes.

Vicki Harkey

Georgiana-the serving size is 2″ × 2″ , 4 down and 4 across


Could you make the recipes in a print friendly version please. This sounds delicious but I don’t see a print icon. Thank you. I love Monk Fruit sweeteners. The blueberry muffins are amazing!!

Janet Thompson

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