Pastel de calabaza sin azúcar

Oct 28, 2021 13:16:52PM
Si te encanta el pastel de calabaza y tú o alguien a quien amas está en un viaje sin azúcar, te encantará esta receta clásica, renovada. ¡Porque todos necesitamos un poco de pastel en esta época del año!

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11 comentarios

Please allow a printing button. It’s hard to use my phone for the recipe


I would also appreciate a PRINT OPTION. Recipe sounds good. Thanks.

Joy Held

I want a printable version too, like the last commenter! I keep my recipes in a notebook and it is a pain to write them out.

Cynthia A. Brown

Keep the recipe s coming love your stuff

Jill burdg

The holiday recipes look delicious and I LOVE Lakanto sweeteners. I do wish your recipes would provide a print option… we live in a rural area and internet is not reliable enough for cooking and baking from online recipes . Thank you for considering!


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